Now back to New Brighton, I have never actually been inside the Fort Perch Rock before and much confusion we couldn't decided if the gig was an indoor or outside event. The answer is very much outside (& I am so glad it didn't rain!). The walls of the Fort contain an outside area which isn't the largest but quite a nice size really. The stage was set up at one end and there was a pub/bar located inside one of the walls.
The Bees came on & performed at about 10pm for just over an hour and I have to say it was one of the best gigs I have ever been too. The Bees are now on their third album and I am seriously surprised that they haven't hit the BIG, big time yet.
There was one bizarre and unexpected twist to the evening when David Gest turned up!?!?! I am still unsure as to why he was there but he did introduce The Bees onto the stage, said Hello to Liverpool (& got boo'ed until somebody corrected him he was on the Wirral!) & then proceeded to say The Bees are his favourite band. I am still very ?????????
Anyway, here are some pics for you (darn camera decided the battery needed recharging so we didn't get too many)
Bizarro, I've been listening to the Bees obsessively over the last few days! Didn't realise David Gest was a fan...!
I just saw your blog link on handbag and decided to have a nosey. I just scrolled quickly through and thought oh that looks like Fort Perch Rock but obviously as if someone would have a photo! Then I saw Antigua underneath so it wasn't, then Liverpool kept catching my eye. I can't believe you saw someone there. That is sooooo fab. I live over the other side of the water. Hello!
Love Another Place as well, inspired. Anthony Gormley is wonderful. I haven't a clue about art but he just excites me, but in such a funny way!
Hello Tina! :waves across the river:
Have only just seen your comment now!! Seeing David Gest was very weird. Apparently he went to a few bars in Liverpool afterwards!
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